Ebooks are becoming more and more widespread as the most viable form of literary media today. It is becoming obvious that developers of new eBook technology and their distributors are making a concerted effort to increase the scope of their potential customers. Sleek new features complement the already simplistic and efficient functionality of eBook readers and offer further support for various types of users. As a result of these recent advances, ebooks are becoming integrated into the daily lives of many people in professional, recreational, and education environments.

Ebooks are not only beginning to rival conventional literature; they are also beginning to replace it. This is simultaneously a good thing and a bad thing, though the only downsides of this eBook revolution are sentimental. While one can simply not deny the charm of holding a brand new hardcover book from a cherished author, ebooks simply offer innumerable advantages over their aged ancestors.

eBook sales have increased exponentially in recent years and this is due not only to the features and convenience that ebooks and eBook readers have to offer, but also their affordability. The top 3 eBook devices have all lowered their prices competitively and eBook prices themselves continue to be consistently and in many cases significantly cheaper than their conventional counterparts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6038027