If you’re seeking to promote yourself or your new business on a limited budget, you probably cannot afford the benefit of hiring a public relations agency to work on your behalf – at least not in the beginning.

You’ve probably spent considerable money to get to the point of your grand opening or new product release, which could easily fail if nobody cares that you exist.

The cost of hiring a marketing professional is usually worth your money as what you’re ultimately purchasing is results. In theory if they don’t deliver, you don’t pay.

However, there are no guarantees. It is probably easier, less time consuming and less stressful, to pay a professional to perform this work for you. But if you don’t have a lot of cash as you start out in business, you can still get people and publications to notice you without spending a fortune to hire a public relations agency.

If you’ve been down the solo road of self-promotion in the past and were not satisified with the final results of your “PR” efforts, you are not alone.

Does the following scenario sound familiar to you?

You developed an innovative service or produced an incredible product. You did your homework on how to write an effective press release. (And it sounded so easy…)

You followed the standard directions to compile your targeted media list and distribute your announcement according to their preferred guidelines.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/267